A week or so ago I was invited by the Indian mountaineer, Satyarup Siddhanta, to take part in a Facebook live chat on his birthday. I would also join Ted Fairhurst in this event. Ted is a Canadian entrepreneur and mountaineer.
The interesting fact about these two gents is that they are respectively the youngest and the oldest people to have climbed both the Seven Summits and the Volcanic Seven Summits.
Anyway, it was a pleasure to take part, and to deal with the questions that arose during the session. It was a birthday chat across three continents and has had around 1000 views over various platforms.
Satyarup is promoting mountaineering tourism in India, where it has yet to take off in a big way. Ted has recently published a book – Dare to Reach, L’Aventure d’une Vie – with his collaborator, Emmanuel Daigle. This book deals with more than your usual motivation and encouragement but touches also on emotion and a life lived. It is also illustrated with stunning photographs.
So, if you have some time to spare, Satya has posted the live stream on his YouTube channel. The link to find it is here:
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