Climbing Popocatepetl has been prohibited since the early 1990s. This Mexican volcano has been active since then and it is closely monitored.
On the Paso de Cortéz, a high pass that lies between Popocatepetl and Iztacchuatl, there is a National Park office at around 3,400m. Here there is a camera trained on the mountain.
This is what the camera picked up a week ago. Anyone climbing neighbouring Iztacchuatl would have had a rather good view! The mountain was quieter, but still active when I climbed Iztacchuatl in 2014. Here is is in the background as my guide, Miriam, and I hit the main ridge of Iztacchuatl at dawn.

Their stark unpredictability, isolation and prominence is a lot of what fascinates me about volcanoes. But you may already know that if you read my blog!
Here is a link to my climb of Iztacchuatl.
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