Some may remember this post on the opinions of certain visitors to Scotland
I thought that two years later I ought to check whether or not things had improved. Having I visited a few websites to see what reviews had been provided by visitors, I am sorry to say that they do not seem to have done so.
Visit Scotland and others really do need to get I grip I feel.
My previous post had first looked at Ben Nevis.
“The walk was boring and unimaginative, lacked 4G signal in many places and when you got to the top you couldn’t see anything. Basically this mountain summed up Scotland as a whole! A big disappointment! Also there is snow at the top… I don’t like a snow.”
Clearly we need annual snow removal and a telecoms mast on the summit. At least the last person appears to have climbed the Ben, unlike the following person.
“One of the biggest hills I have ever seen, but not a mountain for sure! We didn’t even bother getting out of the car. Driving for two days to get there was certainly the better part of the trip. I can guarantee bants in my car, they’re never a disappointment. Everest has nothing to worry about.”
I like his modesty.
The next (long) comment has some potentially valid points but the hyperbole tend to diminish them. The tourist path obviously needs to be surfaced and the buildings removed from the summit:
“I returned to The Ben for the first time in 20 years. What a terrible mess most of the Tourist Path is in. Most (I don’t exaggerate) of the path is in a terrible and dangerous condition. Repairing miles of eroded and missing path one big rock at a time is a pre-mediaeval approach. The Romans built better roads 2,000 years ago and much more quickly.
“The dangerous condition is appalling. I reckon at last 2,000 people climbed The Ben when I went up a coupla days ago. I saw four people fall. Three went down on their backs coming down, slipping on wash-down grit, or trying to find way down sometimes 2ft drops
where the path had totally gone. One was lying down injured, assisted by friends. The fourth I saw being helped down by the shoulders by two other walkers.
“Too much rubbish around too. Empty beer bottles at the summit, which continues to look like a builder’s yard.
“For the premier walking venue in Scotland, this is utterly appalling. If you are keen to bag this one, take another path (I hope the others are better.) Sorry to be so negative, but something serious needs to be done before serious injuries or deaths occur.”
Turning now to Ben Lomond there was no story of an epic climb as last time. The main complaints seemed to be about the path improvements, indeed the path itself. Here is an example.
“Path up Ben Lomond no better than goat track very unsafe and badly maintained needs smoothed out to be more user friendly.”
So clearly it needs the Ben Nevis treatment – a tarmacked path to the summit please.
One of my favourites remains Arthur’s Seat. I cannot work out how many of the following comments might be wind ups. But here goes.
“Not a chair in sight – had to sit on the grass, and was left with an unsightly wet patch so it looked like I had soiled myself.”
“Nothing, just a bleak view of the city and can be dangerous. and never, ever take your dog as there are cliff falls that dogs and their humans have died by falling off”.
“It’s called Arthur’s Seat. No seat at the top or anyone by the name of Arthur. Total rip. If I had paid to go I would have asked for my money back due to false advertising. Luckily it’s free.”
Phew!! That’s all right then.
I am not sure what the next person was on.
“Scotland is renowned for its horrible weather.. it didnt dissapoint.. the paths were muddy and full of stupid tourists could only see [the] castle from the top. They haven’t installed the gondola yet and it was tall but not pointy enough for my liking.. not enough rainbows. Disappointed.”
Solution? Install gondola, reshape for pointy-ness and, er, provide rainbows…
The Fairy Glen and Pools on Skye seem to have become a magnet in recent years. So we have the following comments for this “attraction”.
“…….. this was the most overrated thing I’ve seen in a long while, maybe ever. There are so many fabulous views to see in Skye and so little time to see them, some little green cone shaped hills just don’t do it for me……….
“Any fairies are either hiding under the leaves laughing their wings off, or are long gone.”
“No wifi. The water was a weird colour and it was pretty windy and also there were animals standing about which were pointless.”
And, finally, still on Skye here are a couple for The Storr:
“… the day in Skye as usual was raining… when we arrive at the beginning of the path to the Old Man of Storr the rain stopped and the sky started to be clear… we started our way and suddenly started to rain as hell… I strongly recommend it if you like to see big stones and get very wet. I give two points as you can swear a lot and with the noise of the rain nobody listen“
“Talk about foul weather and uninspiring views. Yes it’s rocky and there once used to be trees around but the lack of them now means you get wind blasted from all directions. The foot path is kind of well made but rough and mountain foot wear is required. The climax of the walk is supposedly this large pointed rock called the Old Man, quite honestly I felt like an old man by the time I got to it, it’s really just a large pointy rock not really going anywhere. Good luck, wish I’d got to Wales.”
Best get off to Snowdonia then. Happy climbing!
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